Thursday, April 16, 2020

Check Your Source - People Know

Lately there has been a parade of Oyata experts spouting things that are completely contrary to his teachings.  Absolutely stupid ignorant things like Oyata said never train or teach slow when their are countless videos of him going slow and witnesses to the contrary.  Most of these people have zero to minimal Oyata Clock Hours.  Please check around and verify what they say with someone that was actually around till the end....2012.  People know.

People know if you never even met Taika and are spouting information based solely on what your instructor told you.  Your instructor that incidentally was kicked out by Taika and his rank and titles stripped by Taika.  People even have copies of the registered letters of revocation.

People know if your instructor last trained with Taika in the year 2000 and quit coming to classes after he recovered from surgery, thereby losing out on any updates, changes or evolution of the art for the final 12 years.

People know if your instructor showed up twice a year and Taika refused to do anything but 'basics' when they were around because he didn't trust them.

People know if nobody saw you for 5-12 years at a single seminar but now are his number one student.

People know if you skipped the last 10 years of training available to you and just paid your annual $50 membership.

People know if you were kicked out of the association by the creator of the association nearly 20 years prior and then kicked out of the funeral by his son.

People know and have recordings of Taika talking about you....and it isn't in a good light.

People know if you left the association of your own free will, were removed, revoked or simply asked to leave.  

People know if you missed decades of training and growth.

People know if you only showed up for rank and spent your seminar time in the cabin, in the hotel room, in a bar, or holding up a wall.

People know if you claim to have trained at HQ but it was when Taika was absent in the hospital and you only made one class after his return.

People have copies of the HQ roll Books which include minutes in class and if you actually trained or just socialized.

People have records of who went to camp.

People have records of who hosted seminars and how often.

People know if you talked smack about Taika for the last few years of his life then miraculously were best friends and his number one student.

People know what Political Rank was.

People know Taika preached against makiwara and so said in his book.

People know Taika dropped bogu and tournaments from his curriculum as contrary to his teachings.

People know who financially cheated and lied to Taika.

People know you are NOT fooling anyone and how absolutely foolish you look.

Stop diluting and remixing Oyata's legacy to ride on the coattails of someone you barely gave any time or thought to while he was alive.

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